There are more than 12,000 species of ants all over the world. Some of the most popular ones are Carpenter, Odorous House Ants, and Pavement Ants.
Carpenter ants do not eat the wood they remove during their nest-building activities, but deposit it outside entrances to the colony in small piles. The diet of carpenter ants includes living and dead insects, meat, fats and sugary foods of all kinds, including honeydew and nectar from plants. Carpenter ants build nests anywhere they can find water and moldy or damp wood, such as tree stumps, firewood or in the plants around your house. Carpenter ants also build nests inside, usually entering buildings through wet, damaged wood.
Odorous house ants like to eat dead insects and sugary sweets, especially melon. Typically living for several years, these ants commonly make their homes in exposed soil, under stones, logs, mulch, debris and other items. They will also nest in wall and floor cracks.
Pavement ants ants will eat almost anything, including insects, grease, seeds, honeydew, honey, bread, meats, nuts and cheese. This ant gets its name because it most commonly nests in soil next to and beneath slabs, sidewalks, patios, and driveways. Indoors, pavement ants nest under a building’s foundation and within hollow foundation walls.
If you do find signs of an ant infestation in your home, contact us promptly. They will be able to inspect your home, perform proper ant species identification, and recommend a course of ant control treatment.